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Expansion Loans

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Growing your business

Financial growth and internal business expansion go hand in hand. The big question facing any business is how to grow in a way that is both manageable and cost effective. Business growth requires capital, which is not always immediately available. The old maxim rings true in this situation more than ever; if you aren’t growing, you’re dying. For any business to succeed it needs to constantly look forward into ways they can expand their products and services.

Captial for growing business

Taking out an unsecured loan can sometimes be the best way to move your business forward. Immediate access to capital allows businesses to take action quickly and grow in a timely manner. When new opportunities are available for a short period of time, you need to obtain a financing avenue that allows for a quick turnaround. Alternative lending services and unsecured loans can be an effective means of financing due to the speed of approval and the minimal requirements. A growth in revenue can sometimes be more than enough to compensate for the loan payment and can put you far ahead both in revenue and business development.

Small business capital

Small businesses are typically more established than startups, but the need for increased revenue is equally important. Even an established business might fail to meet its full potential if it is not allowed to expand and grow. A good business can become a great one if given the proper tools and resources to succeed.

Alternative lending is quickly becoming the go to source for small business expansion. Maintaining a well refined sales record and a profitable business is a great sign of future revenue growth. Those are the factors that make small businesses prime candidates for alternative business loans. When a new opportunity arises, such as expanding into a new location, quick and concise decision making is crucial.

The need for immediate financing is paramount as these chances are often fleeting. Waiting can sometimes lead to missed opportunities. Expanding your financial horizons can catapult a small business into the upper echelon of great companies.

Start up financing

Small businesses are the nucleus of the U.S. economy, making up over 99 percent of employer firms in the United States. Financing is essential for small business survival and growth, as well as for the nation’s fiscal health. Obtaining financing as a startup can be difficult because many new businesses have no established credit history, making the owner appear as a high-risk borrower to traditional banks, regardless of the business revenue. This type of banking strategy only prevents a startup from growing at a healthy, moderate pace.

There are a few options to help startups get the lending they need. Traditional lending sources are often the first thing that comes to mind, especially secured loans. While these can be great tools, not every startup meets the requirements or personal collateral required. Defaulting on a secured loan can not only stop the business in its tracks, but can also financially ruin the people who have risked their property in hopes to grow their business. It’s a viable strategy, but the rewards must always outweigh the risks.

Other options to consider for alternative lending sources are unsecured business loans. If a startup is planning to expand, they’re doing something right and their growth in sales will reflect this. We all want to see startups succeed, which is exactly the reason alternative lenders got started. By presenting a strong business plan and increasing business sales, it is often very easy for these new innovators to find the source of funding they need through unsecured loans.

SnapCap typically requires a minimum of 1 year in business in order to qualify for our funding options.

Get pre-qualified for up to $600k

It’s free and won’t affect your credit score