(800) 843-0130 M–F 9AM-7PM (EST)

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How It Works

Get pre-qualified for up to $600k

It’s free and won’t affect your credit score

Funding your way

  • Free no obligation business loan quote
  • You select funding amount and term
  • Funds deposited directly into bank account

Simple repayment process

  • Payback can vary from 3 months to 3 years
  • Simple, automatic ACH withdrawals
  • Typically daily or weekly deductions

We are small business

After 8 years of helping merchants secure over $967M in total funding, we have come to understand that business owners across the country simply needed a better way to fund their business. SnapCap was created to support growing businesses by connecting them with credit when they need it – without the hassle. Our relationship will grow as your business grows. Together we can achieve great things and we hope you will give us the opportunity to earn your business.

It’s free and won’t affect your credit score